追求6C12T之多工極致效能 - Intel Core i7-4960X效能解析 (第1頁) - 中央處理器 - Mobile01 RACING150 wrote: 入門款為i7-482...(恕刪) K版都可超頻調時脈, 以下為4770K與4820K 4C8T同時脈比較 4820K有DDR3四通道. 雙PCI-EX16與可升級6C12T CPU優勢 4770K有單核高約7%效能, 四核高約12~15%效能與MB有SATA3 X6和USB 3.0原生優勢
【Intel 酷叡i7】最新報價_參數_圖片_論壇_Intel 酷叡i7系列CPU大全-ZOL中關村在線 ZOL中關村在線提供Intel 酷叡i7系列CPU所有單品的型號、報價、配置、評測、行情、圖片、論壇、點評、視頻、驅動下載等內容,以及Intel 酷叡i7系列CPU的經銷商報價,為您購買 ...
Intel Core i7-2600K BX80623I72600K Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz LGA 1155 CPU - Newegg.com Buy Intel Core i7-2600K BX80623I72600K Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz LGA 1155 CPU with fast shipping and top-rated customer service.Once you know, you Newegg! ... Pros: I purchased two of these on 5/31/2011 - Yes 2011. They both are OC'd to 4.8GHz and are ...
Intel i7 2600K (Sandy Bridge) Review | Overclockers New architectures are a blast. Not only do we get new hardware to toy with, but we see greater efficiency and new features. The gag order has been lifted on Intel’s latest offering: ‘Sandy Bridge’. We’re only too happy to bring you all the juicy details o
Intel Core i7-2600 vs i7-2600K - CPU-World: Microprocessor news, benchmarks, information and picture Below is a partial set of Intel Core i7-2600 and i7-2600K benchmarks from our CPU benchmark database. Both microprocessors were tested on ASUS P8H61-M motherboard with 2 GB dual-channel Corsair CM3X1024-1333C9 DDR3 memory, and Integrated on-chip ...
i7 2600溫度 - 相關部落格
【Intel 酷叡i7 4770K 盒 怎麼樣】Intel 酷叡i7 4770K 盒 CPU最有道理的點評-ZOL中關村在線 Intel 酷叡i7 4770K 盒 最有道理的點評 ... 性能強勁,溫度謝 優點: 聽說原裝風扇不給力,我換了個超頻3帶熱管!默電不超頻時待機溫度28度最低,隨便開下QQ35度,玩下劍靈55度,跑P95最高溫度時97度趕緊拔了電源, 再說下超頻,調到...
Intel® Core™ i7 Desktop Processor — Intel® Turbo Boost Technology frequency table This document shows how Intel® Turbo Boost Technology works across the processor cores if adequate power, temperature, and current headroom exist. ... What is Intel® Turbo Boost Technology and how does it work? Intel® Turbo Boost Technology is a way to ..
i7 2600k正常溫度?(頁1) - 散熱特區- 電腦領域HKEPC Hardware - 全港No ... Ass 發表於2014-5-1 22:43. i7 2600k正常溫度? [i=s] 本帖最後由Ass 於2014-5-2 18:05 編輯[/i] 我用緊2600k + GX7 w/ GC-2 idle 35度左右, 打機(接近full load)會上 ...